Biofloc Disadvantages
Channel catfish and hybrid striped bass are examples of fish that are not good candidates for biofloc systems because they do not tolerate. If Biofloc Technology is implemented properly then it can be a very good source of aquaticseafood for the world at very minimal cost.
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A large portion of shrimp biofloc systems are designed poorly.

Biofloc disadvantages. Biofloc pondfarming feedwaleIn this video I have explained the difference between biofloc fish farming and ponds culture. Aswin Aravind9539579823httpsyoutubeFmsKKJRZ1JQBioflocadvantagesdisadvantages How to make biofloc. The limitations of traditional aquaculture that led to evolution of biofloc technology mainly includes the following influential factors.
Why to choose Biofloc Technology. However in some places water isnt gift in abundance. A guide to Biofloc Fish Farming.
In our webinar Abhinav Dobrial our BFT expert explains the benefits of Biofloc fish farming over traditional farming methods how you can build a business with little capital and start generating profits. We avoid doing shrimp biofloc systems. Disadvantages of Biofloc Technology.
Before biofloc method was to recycle 100 of the water oftentimes. Apart from advantages biofloc system also has few disadvantages. Biofloc system requires startup period.
Power failure can be critical for the whole system. Thus biofloc came to unravel of these difficulties. This mainly is attributed to differences in behavior of the two species stocking-density limitations and existing infrastructure limitations eg aeration capacity.
Water land availability Feed cost accounting to 60 of the total production cost. Water availability is scarce in some regions and lands are expensive. Also replacement the previous water with new one disturbs the expansion of fish.
Technology is more advance Technicians need to be trained. Biofloc is the Future. But some disadvantages also it required high energy for mixing and aeration reduced response time because water respiration rates are elevated needs alkalinity supplementation and an increment of nitrate in the system37Table1 describes the major beneficiary works in the field.
Conventional biofloc technology with high heterotrophic bacterial biomass is unsuitable for the Black Tiger Prawns Conn and West 2012. Biofloc system requires alkalinity supplementation to maintain the pH in the water. Nearly all biofloc systems are used to grow shrimp tilapia or carps.
In Aquaculture the costliest factors are investment needed for huge spaces to grow targeted species high-quality feeding and filtrations systems. I have briefly explained the adv. Ological adaptations that allow them to consume biofloc and digest microbial protein thereby taking advantage of biofloc as a food resource.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of biofloc shrimp farming. Availability of land and water are other issues. Generally It is very cheap and it works great until it fails.
Biofloc Fish Farming. When it does fail just clean it out and start over again.
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